Alfrus and its renewed commitment to production process safety
In our approach to business, we adhere to universal values, including food safety.
Within the agri-food sector, safety is an indisputable ethical value to which we have always paid the utmost attention, recognizing its central role in shaping the reputation and competitiveness of our company.
But what is food safety? It corresponds to all the conditions and measures aimed at ensuring compliance with the safety, nutritional quality and sensory attributes of food at every stage of the food chain, but also with hygiene and health aspects related to production, processing and preparation environments of food.
Currently, the concept of food safety unfolds on two fronts: Food Security and Food Safety.
Food Security is achieved when everyone is guaranteed access to safe and nutritionally adequate food, sufficient to meet the requirements for a healthy life. On the other hand, Food Safety refers to safety in terms of hygiene and wholesomeness of food, as well as the production process.
Therefore, the objective of Food Safety is the prevention of food-borne diseases and involves every stage of food processing, preparation and preservation. The “production risks” that can compromise it may result in the lower quality of the end products, either due to adversities or improper risk management.
We believe that the strength of a company lies precisely in its ability to manage these risks.
For our company, the past year served as a “catalyst”, as we decided to focus entirely on the efficiency of the production process, in order to address potential issues, optimize our business performance, and broaden our scope for improvement. As a matter of fact, we have reinforced our strategy for quality and food safety, aiming to ensure healthy and safe almonds throughout the entire production chain by implementing integrated controls at every stage of the transformation process.
Our Head of Logistics, Michele Sisto, answered some questions about this topic.
What is the commitment to food safety according to Alfrus?
“As a food company – declares Michele Sisto – we acknowledge our role and the essential contribution provided by quality controls and the implementation of a strong intervention plan aimed at ensuring food safety in all its aspects”.
What are the most crucial aspects of the food safety plan leading the production process?
“Our approach to food safety encompasses the entire supply chain, starting from raw materials and our suppliers. We conduct meticulous inspections in order to select only high-quality almonds. In the rare cases of non-compliance with safety standards, we are commited to identifying the issue immediately through a very accurate sampling plan, precise detection methods and food compliance inspection systems, carried out by the experts of the Quality Team, who implement specific and targeted interventions to avert every risk.
Our production facilities are designed to ensure suitable and safe processing. During the transformation process, we manage to minimize the presence of foreign bodies, fungal pathogens such as mold, and any bacterial contaminations to a level significantly lower than the limits imposed by law”.
Do you believe that technology is a valuable support for food safety along the production chain?
“Absolutely yes. – emphasizes Michele Sisto – That’s why we invest in a production line based on increasingly advanced technologies to monitor every phase of the production process and ensure traceability through sophisticated systems, a crucial aspect as it allows to quickly identify any issues and resolve them”.
Are controls an integral part of the production process management plan?
“In our perspective, confirmations are never enough. As a matter of fact, before a production batch leaves one of our facilities, it must pass meticulous tests to confirm its suitability for consumption. These tests are conducted in the laboratory by highly qualified professionals from our Quality Team”.
Which certifications represent Alfrus’ commitment to food safety?
“Our commitment to safe and responsible production practices is evidenced by the most internationally acknowledged certifications in the industry, which we renew year after year, to consistently meet the highest quality standards”.
How is the staff involved in promoting quality and safety?
“Training is essential. Now more than ever, our employees are involved in continuous training projects and update programs on quality and safety practices, in line with the latest regulations about food safety”.
How does the Alfrus team respond to the challenges of updating and to the new regulations in the food industry?
“We are proactive in adapting to regulatory changes and implementing new safety practices.
Food Safety is not a static field. We are aware that expectations and regulations are constantly evolving, just as scientific evidences. On our side, we strive to evolve and improve through continuous monitoring, making sure that we always keep up with the latest developments”.
How much does food safety and the salubrity of the production process influence consumers’ trust?
“Investing in food safety means investing in one’s reputation and business growth because, today, the awareness of relying on a safe and certified production process shapes the loyalty of partners and end consumers more than any other factor”.
Our processing system aims at reaching the deepest quality of each seed we work.
Through attention, continuous updates and investment in innovation and technology, we at Alfrus demonstrate an unwavering commitment to ensuring a high standard of safety to those who choose us.
In doing so, we achieve a food product that retains all its nutritional components: an almond processed in a uniform, homogeneous and healthy way, in full compliance with health parameters and quality standards.
For us, quality and food safety are two sides of the same coin. Two values at the core of a single mission shared by our entire team, a commitment that continues and will continue to guide our Alfrus, always.
26 gennaio 2024