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The different processings of Alfrus almonds

The remarkable versatility of almonds allows those who process them, like us at Alfrus, to bring a diversified range of products to the market, under the sign of variety and quality.

To offer our customers a wide range of choice, we have decided to focus on various types of processed almonds. Our product range is divided into four categories:

Whole natural almonds, sliced, chopped and flour

Blanched whole almonds, in sticks, sliced, halved, chopped and flour

Roasted natural and blanched almonds, in sticks and chopped


Each type of almond is processed according to strict production standards and customized to meet the needs of individual customers, with a constant focus on food safety.

Careful selection, quality controls, and microbiological analyses are the foundation of every batch of almonds we process, in order to preserve the organoleptic and nutritional properties of these seeds.

Additionally, within our facilities, we use cutting-edge technology and machinery to preserve the authentic flavor of the almonds while maintaining a natural approach throughout the various production lines.



Natural almonds are characterized by the presence of their integument and are available in various formats, each obtained through a different processing method:

– Whole almonds: calibrated using sieves to achieve the required size, then selected through advanced laser technology, including BSI and X-ray machines, to remove foreign bodies and defects.

– Sliced almonds: softened through a natural thermal treatment and then cut using specific slicing machines.

– Diced almonds: softened through a natural thermal treatment and then crumbled into small cubes using steel-toothed rollers.

– Almond flour: obtained through a milling and sifting process, ensuring a uniform consistency.



To obtain blanched almonds, the seeds are immersed in boiling water, a process that facilitates the natural detachment of the integument, which is then removed by a series of food-grade rubber rollers.

The almonds are then dried, cooled, and calibrated according to the required size. This careful process preserves the delicacy and sweet flavor of almonds.



Roasting is a stage that requires attention, as it directly impacts the flavor and texture of the almonds.

Our state-of-the-art four-stage oven preheats and roasts the almonds at controlled temperatures, then cools them until they stabilize.

This gradual process, modulated according to the specific needs of the customer, guarantees uniform roasting, giving the almonds an intense flavor and irresistible crunchiness.



As a product derived from almond processing, marzipan is obtained by mixing blanched sweet and bitter almonds with sugar and water.

The mixture is then refined and cooked at 100°C until a soft and compact paste is obtained, which is subsequently cooled and packaged into blocks of various sizes.

This product is characterized by its simplicity and pleasantly bittersweet taste.


Each processing stage is the result of years of experience and continuous pursuit of our almonds’ excellence.

This attention to detail allows us to ensure a superior quality that can be tasted from the very first bite.

28th August 2024